Project Properties

List of project properties and their functions

TestSuite properties

Some properties like TR_run_name, TR_plan_name can also be configured at the testsuite level. If specified at the testsuite level, the testsuite value will take precedence over project values.


Specifying these values at the testsuite is very useful when users want to map each testsuite to a different Section/Sub-Section, Test Plan, TestRun.

Property Purpose Example Required
TR_url TestRail server URL Yes
TR_project Name of a TestRail project project Yes
TR_user TestRail user name Yes
TR_password TestRail user password or API key API_KEY Yes
TR_section_path Path to TestRail section\sub-section where Firefly will export tests Master\Section 1\Section 2 Yes
TR_firefly_plugin Enables or disables Firefly. Valid values: enabled or disabled enabled Yes
TR_run_name Name of a run in TestRail to which Firefly will export test results for all tests in the project (can be specified for individual test suites). If run does not exist, it will be created Sample Run No
TR_plan_name Name of a test plan in TestRail to which Firefly will export test results for all tests in the project (can be specified for individual test suites). If plan does not exist, it will be created Sample Plan No
TR_milestone Name of a milestone or path (with as delimiter) to a nested milestone to which Test Run or Test Plan shall be mapped milestone1 or milestone1\milestone2 No
TR_case_type Name of a case type in TestRail. If it is not set, default case type will be used. Available case types can be viewed on Administration -> Customization -> Case Types screen on TestRail server Automated No
TR_template_name Name of a TestRail template to use for cases. If it is not set, "Test Case (Steps)" template name will be used. Available templates can be viewed on Administration -> Customization -> Templates Test Case (Steps) No
TR_upload_attachments If enabled, Firefly captures HTTP/SOAP request and response and attaches it to a result in TestRail. Valid values: enabled and disabled enabled No
TR_id Firefly internal field. Should not be edited by user. N/A N/A

Example: Project level custom properties

Project Custom Properties