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Quick start

Follow these steps to get up and running in 10 minutes.

Step 1: Start ReadyAPI and select a project which needs to be exported to TestRail.

Step 2: Right click on a project and choose Firefly: (Un)initialize project. This will add all required custom properties to your project.


Removing Firefly Custom Properties

Initializing the project injects new properties into your project. If you don't need these properties anymore, simply right click on project and select Firefly: (Un)initialize project

Step 3: Configure the ReadyAPI project's custom properties. The high lighted properties must be configured to reflect your TestRail environment. A detailed explanation of all the Firefly Project Properties can be found in the docs.


Step 4: Export ReadyAPI project into TestRail. Simply right click on Firefly: Export to TestRail. Firefly plugin will show a progress bar and live export status in the Firefly log tab.



Project, TestSuite, or TestCase level export

Export to TestRail action can also be invoked from the ReadyAPI testsuite or testcase. Project action will export/update the entire project. Whereas, testsuite or testcase level actions will only export/update the specified testsuite and testcase respectively. This is useful when you may have only changed one testcase or testsuite and don't need to upload the entire project which will be slower.

Step 5: The ReadyAPI tests should now be visible under TestRail > TestCases > Section



Step 6: Run tests from ReadyAPI

Running ReadyAPI tests from CI Systems

Most organizations use CI applications like Jenkins, Bamboo, TeamCity, CircleCI, etc. If you run your ReadyAPI tests from these CI application, Firefly will automatically detect and export ReadyAPI tests results. There is no additional configuration needed.


Step 7: You can now view the ReadyAPI tests and test results in TestRail.



Mapping Test Results to TestRail Test Runs, Test Plans, and/or Milestones

Every customer has unique workflows. Firefly's flexible configurations allows users to map their test results to TestRail Test Runs, Test Plans, and/or Milestones in a variety of ways. This section describes some of the ways you can configure test results mapping.

Updating test cases in TestRail with the latest changes from ReadyAPI

Whenever a change is done in ReadyAPI for a test case (e.g. number of steps, step names, custom fields are changed, etc), this test case have to be re-exported into TestRail so changes are reflected in TestRail. To do that, just right click on a test case, test suite or project and click: Firefly: Export to TestRail.

Map Results to Test Runs

In cases where you need to store all test results in a single Test Run, you can set the TR_run_name field on either ReadyAPI Project or TestSuite level.


If Firely is able to locate the specified Test Run in TestRail, Firefly will add ReadyAPI test results to this Test Run. If the specified TR_run_name value does not exist, Firefly will create one automatically. If the TR_run_name value is empty, Firefly will automatically create a run using Run: naming format.

Example: ReadyAPI project configured with TR_run_name:Test Run. All subsequent runs in ReadyAPI will export the test results to the same Test Run in TestRail. ""

Map Results to Test Plans

In TestRail, multiple Test Runs are best organized under Test Plans. Firefly allows users to specify both Test Run and Test Plan values using the TR_plan_name custom property. TR_plan_name can be specified at the project or testsuite level.


If Firely is able to locate the specified Test Plan, it will add the Test Run to this Test Plan. If the Test Plan value does not exist, Firefly will create one automatically.


Map Test Run/Plan to Milestone

Test Runs and Test Plans in TestRail are typically assigned to some Milestone. To assign ReadyAPI tests to some Milestone, Firefly provides the TR_milestone custom property. If the Milestone value does not exist, Firefly will create one automatically. Example: milestone1 or path to a nested milestone: milestone1\milestone2

